20 TOPIK Writing Rules That You Must Know

20 TOPIK Writing Rules That You Must Know

20 TOPIK Writing Rules That You Must Know

Download 20 TOPIK Writing Rules That You Must Know Free

TOPIK II (Test of Proficiency in Korean) is a Korean language test designed for intermediate and advanced Korean learners. The test is composed of 3 sections: Listening, Writing, and Reading.

Among these, Writing test (쓰기) is considered as the most difficult section by most test-takers. Each writing test composed of 4 questions from 51 to 54.

You may see the below official 66th TOPIK II Writing test as an example:

The 66th TOPIK II 2019 Writing PDF Sample Answers

The  51 and 52 questions are based on some given information to fill in a (blank) space that can be solved without much difficulty.

The 53 and 54 questions are more difficult. You have to think carefully and write as many as the required number of letters. In order to get high scores in the 53 and 54 questions, your writing should follow the given topic, and the vocabulary and grammar should be used appropriately and diversely.

In addition to those, below are 20 TOPIK Writing Rules that You Must Know:

1. Use (이)다 ending instead of 이에요/예요 or 읍/습니다 ending. 

2. Don't use speaking-style language like 한테, 이랑, 그냥...

 3. Write a heading in the middle of the row

4. Start your writing with a blank cell

5. Start a new passage with a blank cell. 

6. If there should be a space between two characters and the space would land in the first cell on a new line, don't leave the cell blank.

7. Fill one cell with one character 

8. Write "." and "," in one cell and do not leave the next cell blank 

9. Write "..." 2 times and do not leave the next cell blank

10. Write double quotation marks (" ") and single quotation mark (' ') in the corner of the cell that the letters affect. Double quotation mark (") should be started in the next line after the first blank cell.

11. Leave the next cell blank after "?" and "!"

12. Write 2 numbers in one cell

13. Write 2 Latin characters in one cell 

14. Put a blank cell after a particle or a marker. e.g., 이/가, 은/는, 에/에서, 에게, 께, 에게서, 께서,...

15. Put a blank cell between compound nouns. e.g., 한국 식당, 한국 음식, 한국 수도...

16. Put a blank cell after a dependent noun

17. Put a blank cell after 좋은..., 맜있는..., 먹는..., 가는..., ...

18. Put a blank cell between "compound" verbs 올라 가다, 올라 오다, 내려 가다, 내려 오다, 들어 가다, 들어 오다, -아/어 놓다, -아/어 가지다, -아/어 주다, -아/어 놓다...

19. Put a blank cell after counting unit 개, 명, 머리, 병, 잔, 그릇, 가루, 권, ...

20. Put a blank cell between one's name and his/her position.

Credited to: Monday.edu.vn

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